Unlocking insights through client data analysis: A guide for home builders

Unlocking insights through client data analysis feature image

In today’s competitive residential construction market, data-driven decision-making is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity. Constructive Software’s Intelligence Analytics offers residential home builders a powerful tool to collate data on client engagement, selections trends, staff performance and sources of upgrade revenue. Let’s look at how you can best harness this data to drive revenue growth and improve customer experience.

Selections review: Understanding customer preferences

One of the unique features of Intelligence Analytics is its ability to provide you with clear visibility into client selections. This data-informed approach allows you to:

  • Track popular and unpopular client choices
  • Identify potential sources of additional revenue
  • Monitor trends to understand what’s working and discover areas for improvement
  • Reveal jobs with discontinued selections
  • View and update products that have never been selected

With Intelligence Analytics data at your fingertips, you’ll instantly be able to know the answers to questions like: which selection upgrades generate the most revenue, or how many clients select 900mm ovens versus 600mm ovens — and more.

By analysing this data, you can make informed decisions about your product offering, pricing strategies and package options to maximise both customer satisfaction and revenue potential.

Constructive Client Success Manager, Emma Lord, encourages builders to embrace their data.

“Intelligence Analytics unlocks visibility into so many useful metrics, like the total overall value of upgrades, categories of selections that are increasing your revenue, and inversely categories where clients are spending the least amount of money — plus specific items or brands and manufacturers that are popular.

You can examine averages, trends over time and opportunities to adjust your offerings and pricing. For example, you could identify where you might introduce alternative ranges of upgrades in low-performing upgrade categories, and then re-assess over a period.”

Client Services Manager, Steph Cummins, agrees: “Constructive can trigger automatic reminders for you to check pricing that hasn’t been updated. This way, you’re notified and can be confident that you’re reviewing pricing regularly to ensure it is still correct.”

Engagement data: Improve client experience

Intelligence Analytics was designed specifically for home builders and can be utilised to measure and improve client engagement throughout the construction process. By putting this data to work, you can:

  • Evaluate milestone communication consistency
  • Analyse client engagement patterns over the entire job life cycle
  • Identify clients who haven’t received email communications
  • Examine survey response rates

This information can help you to create a more customer-centric culture, ensuring timely and effective communication with all clients at every stage of their builds.

You can even monitor and enhance your customer-focused performance metrics, while anonymously comparing your standing against other builders using Constructive.

Intelligence Analytics offers built-in, practical advice to boost your engagement ranking, making it simple to assess and improve specific indicators. Transforming your customer-oriented goals into a concrete, data-driven plan has never been easier.

One connected platform: Streamlined data analysis

Intelligence Analytics works across the Constructive platform, (Customer Portal, Maintenance and Online Selections), and provides a seamless experience. You can report across multiple brands, filter data by date ranges, regions and more, extracting detailed, but digestible, data.

This integrated approach simplifies the process of identifying trends and making data-driven decisions across various aspects of your business.

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measuring reputation and performance

Intelligence Analytics incorporates NPS survey responses, allowing you to:

  • Review NPS trends throughout the entire construction lifecycle
  • Fully understand the context of your efforts through the eyes of your customers
  • Analyse overall percentages and counts of Promoters, Passives, and Detractors by brand
  • Drill down into response details

By leveraging this data, you can gain valuable insights into customer satisfaction and identify specific areas for improvement in your service delivery.

Staff performance evaluation

Intelligence Analytics empowers you to more deeply assess and improve staff performance. As an example, you could identify top performers in generating upgrade revenue, or reveal supervisors who excel in photo documentation, or even compare consultant timeframes for finalising selections.

This quantitative data allows for meaningful praise and more comprehensive performance reviews — and can help identify areas where additional training or support may be needed.

By harnessing the power of customer data analysis through Constructive Software’s Intelligence Analytics, residential home builders can gain a competitive edge in the market. From understanding client preferences and improving engagement, to measuring reputation and optimising staff performance, this comprehensive tool provides the insights you need to make informed decisions, enhance customer experience and drive revenue growth.

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