Today, we’re chatting with three more of our Client Success Managers (CSMs), Lisa Petts, Gemma Elliott and Juliya Hodzic. Learn more about our Client Success team at Constructive and how they draw on their extensive building industry experience to guide builders smoothly through implementation and beyond.
Welcome to our Inside Constructive series! We talk with Constructive team members across our teams and offices to get to know the people inside the company and learn about their journey to working at Constructive.
Meet Lisa, Gemma and Juliya, Constructive Client Success Managers.
What was your journey to working at Constructive?
Lisa: I’d come across Constructive from previous roles in the building industry and I was intrigued by the concept. In 2020, a job popped up here in Melbourne. I saw the role encompassed so much of my previous experience — selection centre management, interior design, management and training, pricing and structure —but also had the potential to grow my skills in a new direction.
After speaking with an old colleague about working remotely, I was given some great tips and reassured that it could work well. He was right! Having come through such a long period of working independently from home during COVID, that part had become second nature. Although I’m now thrilled to have a colleague in Melbourne, (Juliya), a stunning co-working office space and the opportunity to get out and about seeing my clients face to face regularly.
Gemma: I started at Constructive in March, 2020. I was excited to bring my experience to the role and gain new experiences in the technical realm. I could remain in the building industry without being directly employed by a construction company.
Juliya: I started at Constructive in September, 2022. I’d already used Constructive in my past roles at building companies, so I knew how the system worked and the amazing impact it made within a building business. I knew I could utilise my industry knowledge and skills from these roles — working within people and management — to provide exceptional service to builders using Constructive.
What might be a typical day for a CSM at Constructive?
Juliya: I always start my day off with emails, checking over anything that’s come through since the previous day. I’m in constant communication with my CSM colleagues, checking in on the day ahead and bouncing ideas off each other. Most weeks involve internal meetings, weekly client progress meetings, selections template editing, reviewing and actioning support tickets that have come through, and general day-to-day support for my clients. The implementation journey is an exciting stage — there’s so many different things to work on during this process that it really keeps it interesting and exciting, both for me and the builders.
Lisa: Every day is different and can move quite quickly from being steady to fast-paced, depending on what’s happening for my clients. My day starts with reviewing emails and assessing any support issues clients have flagged so anything urgent will be addressed quickly.
Then, I’ll move back onto ongoing client implementations which typically involves working my way through data and applying changes. By mid-morning, my phone has started ringing and I’m looking after my clients: typically, they are looking for advice on new ways of doing things, adding efficiencies into their Constructive setup and meeting requests.
I particularly enjoy the connections I have with my clients and I speak with many of them daily!
When the WA team come on board, the whole team catches up for a quick stand-up meeting and this keeps us all in touch with what’s going on in the company. It’s a valuable insight into different departments and helps us all feel connected.
Gemma: Every day is different! Despite our post-launch implementations and support following a solid, efficient process, each of our clients operates in their own, distinct way, so it’s a fantastic experience to experience operational diversity. I enjoy developing new connections and gaining an understanding of the different construction methodologies across Australia and the globe, especially revisiting the United Kingdom!
What previous experience led you to become a Client Success Manager and what’s it like to move from a building company to a software company?
Gemma: I draw on my prior experience in construction every day. Moving into the construction tech industry has been a great fit for me: I can deeply comprehend the concepts, terminology and processes our builders use and my general familiarity with the building process assists me in guiding them on how our software can best suit their needs.
Juliya: Working within the management space within the building industry gives me a lens of understanding what builders need and want out of our software. My experience has assisted with seamless and efficient communications with our clients and leaving them reassured I understand their business goals and future visions as I’ve walked in their shoes.
There’s always a challenge whenever you change roles; however, I have such a passion for the building industry expanding my skills in a new way has proven to be the right move. I’m always looking for new ways to further my knowledge and becoming a CSM has already taught me so much about colour selections and products from a technical perspective.
Lisa: Having extensive experience in the industry has been essential! It means I’ve been able to assist my clients with a thorough understanding of how they are doing things, areas that can be improved upon and the challenges they face each day.
Having implemented software when I was working for a builder, I also understand how change can affect individuals, as well as different teams. I provide strategies to alleviate the hesitancy that’s natural to some employees when it comes to adjusting to change.
There were large components of being a CSM that felt like second nature, but I was one-sided to begin with. While I was well-versed in technology, there was still a lot to learn. Looking back now, my skill set has evolved significantly. And I still have many of the great connections made from the building industry and have dealings with them regularly, but my network and skills have broadened exponentially.
How do you go about guiding builders through setting up their Customer Portal, Online Selections and 3D?
Lisa: Having set up selection templates in the past, and with a thorough understanding of how selection rooms operate, I advise on best practice — highlighting areas where clients may be setting themselves up for issues. Passing on my learnings from my time in their shoes has seen me often become a reliable source of advice for their teams.
I identify things my clients might not have otherwise thought of, as well as advise on some of the improvement initiatives Constructive can bring to what they’re already doing.
I take pride in identifying these areas for improvement, as well as assisting my clients in enhancing both their processes and their use of our software.
Juliya: Bringing my years of house building experience to my role helps me assist builders with communication throughout the entire process, ensuring their own clients are set up for success.
Coming from a construction background means I understand the industry terminology they prefer to use, and their internal processes and procedures. It’s beneficial in picking up on further improvements to benefit their processes and where there’s room for further efficiencies.
Gemma: The industry expertise I hold allows me to confidently steer clients when they feel overwhelmed, have insufficient information or where their approach might differ from a more effective one. This enables me to offer alternative methods to produce the same outcomes — but with optimal efficiency!
Can you share a moment of your time at Constructive that you’re proud of?
Juliya: Building out and creating my first selection template would have to be my favourite achievement to date. Seeing the final selections page coming together was exciting to see! Incorporating the builder’s marketing materials, documentation and inclusions in one place, all reflected so clearly, was rewarding to witness.
Lisa: My favourite achievement? Each and every time we get a client live with a new part of Constructive, but especially Selections. Online Selections are satisfying to create, but can be an exciting challenge, too. I like to cover almost every eventuality for my clients — when they’re ready to launch it to their own clients it’s so rewarding to have it go live!
I’m also proud of taking my clients to the next level with the use of Constructive. Gaining their investment and really tapping into all of the opportunities for them to improve their business is a great feeling.
In what ways do you feel a connection with your teammates?
Gemma: While I didn’t come from a technical background, I’ve never felt overwhelmed when collaborating with our highly skilled Development, Data and Engineering teams. They’re great at conveying information and explaining concepts in a comprehensive, easy-to-understand way. This helps me pass on pertinent information to my clients with ease.
Juliya: As a CSM, I’m focused on the customer service side of the company. Being a software company, there’s the element of technical development, and that’s where our tech team step in.
We’re in continual contact with them, running through questions, brainstorming ideas, discussing new features and more. Our technical team are actively engaged with making sure builder feedback and requests are taken on board, explaining new releases and features and improving Constructive, for both builders and their clients, every single day — we’re all working together towards this common goal!
Lisa: Via our in-house chat, I’m in constant communication with our technical crew. I can call upon any of them at any time and receive reliable, helpful information. They’re always ready to assist with resolving issues for clients and they often come up with innovative ways to make life easier for our builders using their expertise.
They’ve worked hard to understand the builders’ needs and we actively collaborate to keep things as simple and smooth as possible in terms of user experience for the end users.
Many suggestions we receive come directly from clients, so I liaise regularly with our Development team to translate enhancements and requirements to improve our software. We’re always discovering new things to continually improve Constructive — our mission is for builders, and their clients, to have a great experience building their homes.
Do you find Constructive flexible around your life and family?
Lisa: Absolutely! Working remotely for Constructive has been great for my work/life balance. There’s an appreciation we all have lives that need to be managed, as well as our jobs, plus a belief in us that the work will get done to the highest standard.
If something comes up in my personal life, I can deal with it without negativity and I’m trusted to manage my workload independently.
When I need to get out of the house, I’ll plan my day in the office — it’s great to have the best of both worlds. Our office space is incredibly social and ensures we’re still getting the human interaction we need, along with some fun, well-run activities!
Gemma: Certainly! We’ve got a great, supportive team in place so that if, for any reason, you’re unable to be present someone is always happy to step in. We have a hybrid workplace with the option to work remotely some of the time, too.
Juliya: Yes. The balance in the hybrid working model allows me lots of flexibility in my personal life.