“Since the implementation of Constructive, our sales extra upgrades revenue has increased by approximately 120%” — Joel Winders, Commercial Director
Better. All Round.
Established in 2009, UK-based Kingswood Homes was created to build new homes which are designed with the customer’s needs at heart, making building a new home an enjoyable and stress-free experience. With a philosophy of being Better. All Round., Kingswood Homes looked to Constructive to extend its excellent customer experience into the digital realm and increase upgrades revenue.
Freeing up staff time
Previously, customers would make an appointment and spend hours with a Kingswood Homes consultant going through their Selections in the showroom, one by one.
“Prior to using Constructive, several hours were spent with customers in our sales centre showrooms, helping them make choices. This meant that our sales consultants were occupied and unable to deal with any walk-ins,” explains Paul Webster, Systems Administrator.
Now, customers can choose colours, finishes, surfaces, flooring, appliances and more in their own time — any time online, and from any device, following a Kingswood-customised roadmap of the full Selections scope.

Not only do Kingwood regain staff time, but their customers enjoy more flexibility with their time, too.
“We save so much time now, 2 – 5 hours are saved for each selection choices appointment,” says Lesley Myers, Sales Director. “Clients are able to make their choices without time constraints of their appointment — and without any interruptions.”

The tool customers need to make decisions
With Shape Your Home Constructive Online Selections, clients can make choices at home, streamlining the Selections process and giving customers the time and space to make important financial decisions.

“Customers are able to make choices at their own pace and in their own environment,” says Paul. “They can dip in and out as they want rather than having to select items all in one go on a set date in a sales centre showroom.”
“The feedback is very positive. Customers love being able to sit in the comfort of their own home making their choices and upgrades with no time limits. They tell us they like making selections and knowing in real time what they’re spending. It allows them to manage their budget,” says Lesley.
A tailored experience
Kingswood Homes can now tailor the final Selections process to each client individually, providing better customer service.
“Customers submit their Selections, then when they come in to finalise everything our sales consultants will have swatches and samples ready like a mood board to cross-reference with the documentation to check they are happy,” explains Lesley.
Increasing upgrade revenue by 120%
“The income from customer extras has greatly increased as a result of implementing Constructive,” says Paul.

“We’ve been able to increase our range of products as Constructive can house items that are not on visual show in our show homes or sales centre,” says Joel. “We’ve seen a large increase in selling items that weren’t on show.”
Lesley agrees. “We’ve been pleasantly surprised at items we have sold via Constructive that were never chosen before.”
Clear and comprehensive documentation
When Kingswood Homes customers make Selections online, their choices are seamlessly transferred within Constructive into comprehensive, full-colour Selections documentation — complete with images — avoiding any transcription errors or mistakes.
“Constructive Online Selections documentation provides a high level of detail that does not leave anything ambiguous, inevitably reducing the chance of human error,” comments Joel.
“Constructive has really delivered exactly what we wanted for the outset. It’s allowed us to increase our range of products, increase our upgrade revenue, eliminate waiting time between departments and reduce the risk of human error. I would not hesitate on recommending Constructive.” Joel Winders — Commercial Director.
Take your Selections online.
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