How Home Group uses Constructive to deliver an excellent customer experience throughout the building journey

Home Group uses Constructive to deliver excellent customer experience throughout the build process

Multi-award-winning home builders, Home Group, are leaders in family home construction with a dedication to the very highest quality. Home Group is on a mission to make building a home and choosing selections — often considered a stressful and complex process — into an easy and exciting experience.
This includes delivering the best possible service and exceeding their clients’ expectations through exceptional digital customer experience.

Setting up for digital customer excellence

Home Group knew they needed an online Customer Portal to elevate their already excellent customer service. At the time, they used multiple processes for managing client communications, selections and updates.

To streamline the build management process, the company started looking for a home-building customer portal platform that could help them deliver the excellent customer experience they’re known for and landed on Constructive.

“Prior to Constructive, we didn’t have a digital platform to help us deliver excellent service to clients — now, we are digitally advanced,” says Home Group Prestart Manager, Rebecca Elliott.

Constructive Home Group Customer Portal and Online 3D Selections client login screen
Constructive Home Group Customer Portal and Online 3D Selections client login screen

With Constructive, they’ve automated, hyper-personalised build progress updates and empowered clients to make interactive selections on their individual homes in 3D. Home Group customers now have the most up-to-date information about their new home available 24/7 and on any device.

“Clients like to see their progress updated all the way along their building journey,” advises Rebecca.

Interactive visualisation for success

Home Group clients can now visualise their design and colour ideas on their own homes in real-time with 3D. Colour and material combinations can be changed with a simple click or tap and instantly visualised in context, making the decision process easier and the pre-construction phase smoother and faster.

Home Group reports Constructive’s interactive 3D selections supports clients to have a better visual understanding of their decisions, inspiring confidence and reducing guesswork and indecision.

“Clients struggle to visualise colours on their home design, so having 3D software they can use for their selections and interact with on a 3D scale is a big benefit.”

“The 3D feature is a big help and significant in assisting clients to visualise their choices,” says Rebecca.

Organised clients, smoother meetings

Home Group have found Online Selections means their team can review and prepare for selections meetings before their clients come in. Clients have the chance to explore their options, experiment with designs and colours and come into their meeting ready to finalise their choices.

“Clients like to feel organised, so reviewing all their choices prior to their selections meeting allows them, and us, to have a smoother meeting,” says Rebecca.

As Home Group clients make their selections, Constructive seamlessly records their selections in real-time and generates beautiful, visual reports to confirm their choices visually and function as one source of truth.

Home Group client selections documentation - auto-generated from Constructive Online Selections
Home Group client selections documentation – auto-generated from Constructive Online Selections

“We can print out their selections documentation from Constructive, complete with images, and it helps the day go faster for everyone.”

“It’s a platform for both communication and progress and creates an experience that clients enjoy.”

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