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New builds on existing blocks: How smart software reduces admin load and manages client expectations.
How PIQUE and Fox Modular streamline selections and customer communications with Constructive
How Home Group uses Constructive to deliver an excellent customer experience throughout the building journey
How La Vida Homes expanded their business while retaining their hyper-personalised, transparent approach with Constructive
How Carter Grange uses Constructive to accelerate and elevate the selections process
WA Building Company unlocks company-wide efficiency and enhances customer experience with Constructive
Allworth Homes reduces incoming emails and calls through automated build communications with Constructive
Novus Homes delivers award-winning customer experience with Constructive
Allsteel Transportable Homes (NXT Building Group, formerly MJH Group) streamlines communication and reduces appointment times
How Kingswood Homes increased upgrades revenue by 120% with Constructive